Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Comment Box

If you have comments or suggestions about my reviews (are there certain aspects of a book I should be certain to mention, whether fictional, such as theme, style, imagery, etc., or factual, as page count or publisher or the like? links to Amazon or authors' blogs? additional labels to make it easier to find certain books?) or other content you might like to see (or see links to, more likely), let me know here.


Martin LaBar said...

You do fine. I at least glance at all of your reviews, and sometimes I read thoroughly.


Carole McDonnell said...

Hi Tap! Great blog! -C

Samantha said...

Could you add a "search this blog" gadget so I can see if you've written anything about specific authors and/or books? That'd be much easier than scrolling the entire thing. You've written so much!

Joshua said...

I see a search box at the top-left of the page, next to the blogger 'B' logo; does it not show up for you?

Samantha said...

I overlooked that last night but today when I went to try it, it comes up with a message like "The search feature is limited on this blog by owner's request. Show all posts" so I have to view all posts anyways...

Joshua said...

Interesting. I got that just now too, but it always used to work for me. They must have changed something about it. Whatever the case, I just changed my settings to allow searching and no longer get that error, but also don't find any results for things I know I've posted about. It may take a while (hours? days?) for the search index to update...

Samantha said...

I appreciate you trying to fix it haha. Oh technology...sigh...