Saturday, June 06, 2009

Dull Boy

By Sarah Cross.

Avery is a super-powered teen struggling to fit in and avoid the dissection table.

What I liked: The plot is not really the strong point here. The strong points are the characters and humor. This book is hilarious. The interaction between Avery, Darla and Catherine is golden and the other characters are pretty good too.

What I didn't like: I was laughing too hard to care much at the time, but all the parents in this book look stupid or abusive or both. There's definitely a sense of isolation forced on the characters: parents are not sympathetic; Avery has non-super "friends" but they never even make an appearance; almost everyone either has no siblings or is distant from them. It helps to force the characters together as a group but, as with the parents, it doesn't really seem likely that no one "outside" would ever catch on. (There are, admittedly, suggestions that the story could go this way if there's ever a sequel.)

There is also a lot of lying on the part of the protagonists and some strong language.

I'd definitely recommend this for the humor but take the morals with a grain of salt.

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