Saturday, June 14, 2008

Temping Fate

By Esther Friesner.

I found this on the shelf next to Nobody's Princess (found through Tamora Pierce) and decided it looked interesting.

This is a goofy book similar to Iris, Messenger, although Ilana is more sarcastic. When she applies for a summer job with the D. R. Temp Agency, she finds herself working for Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos, the three fates of Greek mythology, who really just want some time off to spend with their families... or something. Mayhem ensues. And if you think it's a joke, Ilana really is deathly allergic to eggs.

A pretty enjoyable light read, with at least one serious theme.


The Overgrown Hobbit said...

I remember reviewing that when it first came out--same exact reaction if I recall aright.

And also? I would really love her "orc, the other green meat" t-shirt...

Joshua said...

A quick search finds this one, although it isn't exactly the same as the design on the cover and the black version seems to be defunct. (Maybe you could contact the owner of the store and see if they can fix it.)

Disclaimer: I have no idea who actually owns the cafepress store that comes from or the provenance of the design.